Tag Archives: jewelry display

Mannequin Mania


I have a new obsession. It involves taking  paper mache mannequins like this one

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and making them look like these, using a combination of craft paint and metal reactive patina paints.

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The process is kind of messy, somewhat unpredictable and so much fun! Best of all, the result is that rusty, grungy chippy paint look that I love, and works perfectly with my jewelry style.

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Since it doesn’t look like I’m gonna be able to stop making these (it’s too much fun!) I’ve started offering some for sale. If you’re local, you can see them, and some lilruby jewelry too – at Harrison House Market in Ozark!

On Display


Well…the craft festival was in a nice area, and was run by very nice people, but the attendance and sales were disappointing – for me, at least. I barely made enough to cover my fees and travel expenses.  Apparently there were several other events including a larger, more established art show going on in the area so I’m guessing that’s where all the shoppers went. But that’s how it goes!

On the plus side, I posted pictures of my show setup on Flickr and was surprised how many views they’ve gotten! Here are a few of them-

My two tables with Lucy (my mannequin) in the middle.

Vintage kidskin opera glove used as bracelet display.

You would not believe how hard it was to stuff this glove! The hand is impossibly small so I used a long handled paintbrush to stuff tissue into the fingers. The rest I filled with pantyhose.  

Bev, my oldest mannequin, in the morning shadows.

 My favorite pictures were actually the ones I took early in the morning – I love all the dramatic shadows!


 To see more, go to my Flickr page at www.flickr.com/photos/lilruby!

Tomorrow’s the day!


Tomorrow morning we head for Kansas City for the Strawberry Swing Indie Craft Festival. Since I usually do fall craft shows I had to change up my displays a little!  Instead of  my usual dark browns and warm fall colors I used tea dyed muslin layered with some of my vintage crocheted doilies and tablecloths, mostly made by family members ranging from my mom and aunt to my grandmother and great grandmother.  Since I wasn’t sure how it would all look, I set up my tables in the dining room for a test run-

My two mannequins, Bev and Lucy, are sporting a couple of the tablecloths as skirts! The dining room table is loaded with stuff to be priced and packed.

I have two of these little drawers with dividers in them that I love to use as earring displays – wish I had a bunch more!

This little ceramic dresser tray was my Mom’s, and adds a girlie touch in soft pink.

Some necklaces packed and ready to go. Sorry for the poor picture quality – my camera doesn’t do well in low lighting (probably because I don’t have a clue how to use it!)

Guess I’d better get back to work – lots left to price and pack up!